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Shopy Max

60 Second Salad Cutter Bowl

60 Second Salad Cutter Bowl

Regular price $10.78
Regular price Sale price $10.78
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You will get one 60 second maker(BPA-free) and easily rinse,chop and serve almost any salad in seconds!The unique slits take all


the hassle out of rinsing and straining and allow you to chop the ingredients all at once!It's the easy way to healthy , fresh salad everydays.


Package include : Salad Cutter Bowl (without retail package) 


Operating Instruction


Step 1: put all your ingredients in the strainer bowl, wash it under the water.

Step 2: set up the cover and the bowl, and slicer it.

Step 3: Rotate the bowl to another direction, slicer it again, it will be ok now, if you enjoy a smaller pieces, just repeat step 3 and slicer several times, your lettuce will more smaller.

​Step 4: put your ingredients and salad dressing together, and enjoy it.

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